Forticlient – SSLVPN .deb packages


Try the brand-new open-source OpenFortiGUI as replacement for the Forticlient.

Forticlient – SSLVPN is a VPN Client to connect to Fortigate Devices with minimal effort, packaged here for Ubuntu and Debian.

Officially there is only a generic tar.gz package available. As I use Ubuntu most the time, I decided to build .deb packages for 32/64bit Ubuntu with a nice desktop icon to start : )

This packages should also work on debian, but i did not test this on myself now (will follow).

For upgrades just download the new package and install it, the package manager will do the upgrade for you.

I will share my packages here for you to download:

Update 14.4.2017 (build on Ubuntu 16.04):

Since version 4.4.2327-2 builds are generated on Ubuntu 16.04.

Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2333-1 32bit
Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2333-1 64bit

Old versions (build on Ubuntu 16.04):

Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2332-1 32bit
Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2332-1 64bit

Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2331-1 32bit
Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2331-1 64bit

Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2330-1 32bit
Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2330-1 64bit

Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2329-1 32bit
Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2329-1 64bit

Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2327-2 32bit
Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2327-2 64bit

Old versions (build on Ubuntu 14.04):

Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2327 32bit
Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2327 64bit

Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2325 32bit
Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2325 64bit

Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2323 32bit
Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2323 64bit

Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2317 32bit
Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2317 64bit

Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2313 32bit
Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2313 64bit

Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2312-3 32bit
Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2312-3 64bit

Legacy version (works with Ubuntu < 15.04):

Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2312 32bit
Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2312 64bit

Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2307 32bit
Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2307 64bit

Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2303 32bit
Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2303 64bit

275 thoughts on “Forticlient – SSLVPN .deb packages

  1. Dave

    Installed on CentOS 6.8 x86_64 using alien to convert to rpm. It required several i686 compatibility libraries not present by default on CentOS 6.8.

    1. Install CentOS 6.8 x86_64
    2. Install EPEL Repo

    sudo yum install epel-release

    3. Install Nux Desktop (apparently required to get alien)

    sudo rpm -Uvh
    yum update && yum install alien

    Borrowed from:

    4. Install missing libraries

    sudo yum install gtk2-2.24.23-8.el6.i686 gdk-pixbuf2-2.24.1-6.el6_7.i686 glib2-2.28.8-5.el6.i686 glib2-2.28.8-5.el6.i686 libSM-1.2.1-2.el6.i686 libX11-1.6.3-2.el6.i686 libXinerama-1.1.3-2.1.el6.i686 libgcc-4.4.7-17.el6.i686

    5. Convert .deb to .rpm

    cd /path/to/deb
    sudo alien –to-rpm –scripts forticlient-sslvpn_4.4.2329-1_amd64.deb

    6. Install .rpm

    rpm -ivh forticlient-sslvpn-4.4.2329-2.x86_64.rpm

    7. Locate and Invoke Forticlient SSL VPN application

    Applications=>Internet=>Forticlient SSL VPN (In my case)

    8. Do a little dance, drink a little beer, be happy 🙂

  2. Anders Bolager

    Thanks a lot. If I knew how, a six-pack would be on your way. (Oh, yeah, I hope you like micro brewed beer 🙂 )

  3. Dio

    Hi, my setup does not start on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Says: “This is first time you run forticlient ssl and you need the admin privilege to config”. Click “ok” and the dialog to “accept the license agreement” is shown. “Accept”ed and freezing on the “first run” window …

    Any ideas?
    Thanks !

    1. Ti Post author

      Hi, you tried already starting several times?

      My workmate had the same problem, but after some more startups it worked.

    2. brad

      I had the same problem, first run GUI wouldn’t accept my correct root password several times. What I did was:
      I’m using forticlient-sslvpn_4.4.2330-1_amd64.deb (installation with dpkg was ok)
      and Debian testing stretch

      1) execute:
      myUser@myHost:~$ /opt/forticlient-sslvpn/64bit/helper/
      Need root privilege to continue the setup, trying sodu…
      [sudo] password for myUser:
      Sorry, user myUser is not allowed to execute ‘/opt/forticlient-sslvpn/64bit/helper/ 3’ as root on myHost.
      /opt/forticlient-sslvpn/64bit/helper/ line 29: /opt/forticlient-sslvpn/64bit/helper/forticlientsslvpn.install.log: Permission denied
      it seems that ‘sudo’ does not work here, try to use ‘su’
      Here I used my root password and it was accepted, then I agreed EULA

      2) Then:

      myUser@myHost:~$ /opt/forticlient-sslvpn/64bit/forticlientsslvpn_cli -server vpnServer:vpnPort -vpnuser vpnUser
      Password for VPN:

      after give vpnuser password and accept certificate it worked 🙂

      STATUS::Login succeed
      STATUS::Starting PPPd
      STATUS::Initializing tunnel
      STATUS::Connecting to server
      Press Ctrl-C to quit
      STATUS::Tunnel running

      Then it also worked on GUI

  4. Andrea

    Hi, I’m running Debian 8 (if I read correctly on Kernel on VM using VMWare.
    The installation is been concluded succesfully, but when I try to run the Forticlientsslvpn, I put the Root pwd but by cliccking “Agree” on Licence form, the form “First run” won’t load correctly and shown only a gray form.
    any idea?

    1. Ti Post author

      Hi, try to start the program several times. I had this problem too on some machines but didnt figure out what causes the problem.

      Cheers Rene

    1. Pavel Katovich

      /opt/forticlient-sslvpn/64bit/forticlientsslvpn_cli –server host:port –vpnuser username

    1. Ti Post author

      Hi, the only difference is that the new builds are dependent on Ubuntu 16.04 packages. It may also run on Ubuntu 14.04 but i did not test. Also there is still the same forticlientsslvpn package version, so to be save use the 14.04 build as there is no benifit to use the Ubuntu 16.04 build.

      Cheers Rene

  5. Guido Estevez

    I´m using Ubuntu 16.04 64 in a VirtualBox machine with Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2327-2 64bit

    The connection failed after few seconds. When the Bytes sent: count 945

    Status: Connected
    Bytes received: 163
    Bytes sent: 945

    Any idea?
    Thank you very much in advance

  6. Robert Simpson

    Hello there.. I just installed this on a new Debian 8 machine and can create a connection via an SSH session. The connection takes over the session so I created another SSH session and tried to ssh to a remote switch and it did not work. I am assuming that the connection does not share connections with other sessions. I do not intend to use this locally with a desktop but only through SSH connections.
    Any pointers

  7. Luis Enrique


    I installed Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2327-2 64bit deb package , and somehow it didn’t appear on desktop space , but it was there. For ubuntu 16.04 just searching on /usr/share/applications and putting the fortinetclient-sslvpn.desktop on the bar and work without issues.

    Maybe the problem is on ubuntu side cause the same issue was with virtualbox. Semthing weird
    thank you for your work , i appreciate that , cheers !

    1. Velkoon

      Thank you so very, very, very much. As freaking always with everything I have ever attempted to do in the stupid terrible unintuitive Linux interface, what was said was supposed to happen, did not; There was no icon on the desktop after installation executed in the Package Manager (of course). I was helplessly scrolling through this flood of comments, hoping I’d run into someone who knew how to actually START THE PROGRAM, an EXTREMELY IMPORTANT (duh) and, incredibly surprisingly, EXTREMELY COMMONLY unsaid piece of information that is ever-so-often not included in program installation guides I find online

    1. Eugen


      yes it work for me on 16.04 but i install it manually.
      unzip the deb package and put the opt directory into your opt directory.
      i try it with the 4.4.2312-3 66 bit version because the newer versions doesn’t work for me.

    2. Ti Post author

      manual install by “dpkg -i ” on CMDline shoud work. I will further investigate this and will release 16.04 compatible packages.

  8. Patricio Ascencio


    Do you have de tar.gz from generic package. I need it for fedora.


  9. Adeildo

    Gostei…. tive dificuldade com o pacote FortiClient SSLVPN 4.0.2312 no ubuntu 14LTS, problema com permissĂŁo no arquivo /home/user/.fctsslvpnhistory, mas resolvi com chown.

    1. Jonathan

      Que tipo de problema vocĂŞ teve Adeildo?
      Estou com o seguinte problema:
      Meu arquivo fctsslvpnhistory some sempre que reinicio o computador, perco as configurações de conexões salvas.

  10. C Bille

    i cannot configure the client on the first run. Demands the root password and does not accept it. Any clues ? I tried with several keymaps but cannot find which one use. Qwerty, Qwartz, Azerty ?

  11. kushieda

    Is there a way to disable the client from modifying my resolv.conf file? I run a local dnsmasq cache that already handles the VPN name servers and would like to prevent it from changing it.

  12. Alberto

    When I Installed this package I’m getting this error “Setup Failed”. Currently I’m using Debian 8

    Any idea???

  13. Cody S

    This is awesome. I’ve been migrating things from Ubuntu 9.10 to 14.04 and the forticlient that I brought over didn’t seem to work out very well. While Forticlient didn’t offer me much help in the ways of documentation to troubleshoot the issue, simply installing this deb and using that fixed my problem. Thank you.

  14. rohit

    Is there any way to use this on fedora 23 ? I tried converting it to rpm package, didn’t work.

    1. Ti Post author

      Hi Rohit,

      Fortinet only provides a generic tar.gz file and i repackage it for Debian/Ubuntu.

      So it should be fine if you unpack the deb package and copy it manually to your /opt directory.


    2. Dag Olav Prestegarden

      First of all: Thank you very much for this package Rene, it’s much appreciated 🙂


      I had the same problem as you and managed to get it working using the following procedure::

      1: Convert the deb-file to rpm using alien: alien -r forticlient-sslvpn_4.4.2329-1_amd64.deb (the resulting rpm will not work as it supplies paths that collides with Fedoras filesystem package)
      2: Edit the rpm using rpmrebuild: rpmrebuild -pe forticlient-sslvpn-4.4.2329-1.x86_64.rpm
      3: Remove the lines at the bottom of the file that tries to supply the folders that already exists in your base filesystem. In my case, this was:

      %dir %attr(0755, root, root) "/"
      %dir %attr(0755, root, root) "/opt"
      %dir %attr(0755, root, root) "/usr"
      %dir %attr(0755, root, root) "/usr/share"
      %dir %attr(0755, root, root) "/usr/share/applications"
      %dir %attr(0755, root, root) "/usr/share/doc"

      4: The resulting file worked fine, and installed fine using dnf. The installed program tested and worked fine on my Fedora 24 64bit system.

  15. Matthias Braun

    Hi and thanks a lot for the packages!

    Is there a way to import a .conn, .sconn, .vpl, or .vpz file into the Forticlient?

    Thanks in advance!

    1. Ti Post author

      Hi Matthias,

      unfortunately no, the linux sslvpn only provides very limited functionality.

      The configuration is saved in ~/.fctsslvpnhistory , maybe this helps you.

      Cheers Rene

    1. Ti Post author

      I am already working on an apt-repo, but will take some time until release. Stay tuned : )

  16. Lindsay


    I have run into a problem with Forticlient on Ubuntu 15.10. I can use dig and nslookup to resolve names inside the VPNed network and I can ping and connect to systems inside the VPNed network using the raw IP address but not by their FQDNs.

    I’ve tried all versions from 4.4.2312 to 4.4.2323 with the same result.

    Any clues anyone?

  17. Ti Post author

    Hi Peter,

    it seems when packaging to a .deb file the binaries changes, i could not further investigate.

    Try on your own with the latest release .2323:
    1. Download the source package:
    2. Optional: If you want you can replace the binaries now with your own downloaded
    3. Build the package with: debuild -us -uc

    Cheers Rene

  18. Peter

    Nice work!
    But I have noticed the following.
    If I unpack and compare the binaries from your package v 4.4.2317 with binaries from the tar.gz file (same version) from Fortinet they are different.
    Also when installing your package it is possible to run the FortiClient whit out sudo, whereas this is not possible with the files from the tarball from Fortinet

  19. AntĂ´nio Marcos

    In english Very good, in spanish Muy bueno, in french très bonne, but i am from Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, so Here we say “Show de bola”. Thanks man!


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