XenCenter Clone for managing XenServer Machines
- Linux / Windows OS / (MacOS not tested, no test platform available)
- C-Compiler with default distro dev-utilities(GCC 3.x and 4.x, mingw)
- Qt4 Opensource SDK
- For the final release the same features as XenCenter from Citrix 🙂
Serious… should provide all the features you need to manage your XenServer/XCP Servers
Please try the source version and give feedback
Install and use on Windows/Linux (Source release):
- 1. You have to setup a Eclipse/QT4/Mingw developement environment
- 2. Import the files as Qt4 Gui project.
- 3. Link it with the taglib library. (edit .pro file)
- 4. Compile and run it within the Eclipse environment.
Project Source:Â http://sourceforge.net/p/xenconfigurator/code/